When you want to update address information, you must first call BAPI_EMPLOYEET_ENQUEUE to lock the HR record for this employee. 如果需要更新地址信息,首先必须调用BAPIEMPLOYEETENQUEUE锁定该雇员的HR记录。
Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. 非法操作。在一个事务处理中已有记录锁定的情况下,试图对文件进行锁定从而导致非法。
Bankers said investors 'exit from commodities was due to a combination of concerns about weakening global economic growth; an attempt to lock in gains from earlier record price rises, and fears that large price volatility could lead to big losses. 银行业人士表示,投资者撤离大宗商品市场是多重因素所致:对全球经济增长势头减弱的担忧,试图锁住在此前创纪录行情中的获利,以及对价格大幅波动可能导致大额亏损的顾虑。
But the risk might be dodged and focused through the anticipation operation& focus the settlement of exchange rate through the forward settlement of exchange, to get away from exchange rate risk. Illegal to attempt a file lock in a transaction after taking prior record locks. 但风险可以通过事前的操作予以规避和锁定&通过远期结汇来锁定结汇汇率,规避汇率风险。非法操作。在一个事务处理中已有记录锁定的情况下,试图对文件进行锁定从而导致非法。
An administrator can track access to sensitive areas because both the electronic lock and the key record lock and key activity. 管理员可以跟踪敏感地区的进入情况,因为电子锁和钥匙都在记录开和锁的过程。
Each time the key opens a lock, a record is stored in both the key and the lock cylinder, creating a detailed audit report of openings and denied entries. 每次操作人员使用钥匙开锁后,钥匙和锁芯就会自动生成记录,建立了一个详细的关于开锁和阻止开锁的统计报告。
Based on this new method, it gives new algorithms and implementation on read/ write lock, queue lock and record lock. 为了演示这种新思路的特点和优点,笔者对几个常见问题(读写锁、排队锁和记录锁)给出了新的算法设计以及实现。